A Prayer To ‘Be Holy As God Is Holy’

Heavenly Father, Your Word commands us to, “be holy as You are holy”, and I know that in and of myself I cannot live in true holiness of heart, except as the Lord Jesus lives His life in me, and the Holy Spirit carries out a life-transforming work in me.
Thank You, that I have been born into Your family, united together with Christ and am one with Him. I pray that increasingly, His nature and character may be developed in me, until I can say as Paul did, “my old self has died and been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives His resurrection life in me and works through me.”
I ask that You would continue to root out all of me that is counter to what You desire from me, and I pray that You would increasingly transform me into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus, day by day.
Lord, I know that this is not an easy prayer to pray and it will likely cause me much pain, but I believe that this is the will for each of Your children, and so I come to You today and say, Father, Your will be done in my life. Give me I pray, that desire and grace to become a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,