Prayers for Scholarships

Prayer For Missions Grant

Loving Father, thank You that You are my God and Father and that Jesus came to die in my place, to take my sins upon Himself so that I might be forgiven and receive everlasting life by grace through faith in Christ. Lord, I know that we live by faith and not by sight and that is the desire of my heart, and so I am coming to You to lay my requests before You, with thanksgiving, knowing that every day of my future is in Your hands. I pray that every day of that future will be a day that I remain in the center of Your will for my life.

And so Lord, I am asking for a grant for the mission trip to which I have been invited, and Lord I only want to go if this is Your will. Lord, You know that I don’t have the funds available and so I am just going to lay this before You.

Lord, if You would have me go on the trip, I pray that You would provide the funds that I would need and all the necessities that such a trip demands. But also Lord, if this is not what I am to do at this moment, I pray that You will make it equally clear to me.

Whether or not I am to participate in this mission trip, I pray that it would be a wonderful success and that many would come to put their trust in Jesus. I pray that it would be a trip where every one who has taken up the challenge would draw closer to You and that Your name would be glorified throughout. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Lord,


Prayer For Scholarship Interview

Dear Lord Jesus, I am quite nervous, as I have been asked to attend an interview for a scholarship for which I have applied. Oh Lord, this is such an amazing opportunity and I pray that You will lead and guide me in all the necessary preparations I will have to make, as well as enabling me to face the interview panel with poise, wisdom and courage.

Lord, I know that my times are in Your hands and that You know exactly the path I am going to take, even though I do not, yet I do so want to do my best and to properly prepare for this interview, and I pray that You would guide me as to how best to present myself at the meeting, and help me to get a feel of the questions I should be asking and answering.

I pray that I may find grace in the eyes of the panel and that You would be with me in the days that lie ahead, as I prepare myself for this wonderful opportunity that I know You have graciously given me. Thank You Lord, in Jesus' name,


Single Parent’s Prayer For Daughter’s Scholarship

Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, I come to You in my poverty to ask for Your abundance and great grace towards my daughter. Lord, I am not in a position to pay for the fees for my daughter’s education and I come to You asking that You would make a way for her to attend her college studies.

Lord, I know that You are a God who hears and answers prayers and You have proved to me again and again that You are a gracious God who sees and responds to the plights and needs of your children. Lord, I now lift up the precious daughter that You have seen fit to entrust into my care, and ask that You would undertake for all that is needed for her to attend and complete her education.

Lord, if You are willing, I know that You can arrange a scholarship for my daughter at this time, but Lord, I pray that Your best will be done in the life of my daughter. Lord, I trust You to open the doors that need to be open, but I also pray that You would close the doors shut if she should not go through them. So Lord, I trust my daughter and her future education, career and life into Your hands, and pray that she would grow to love You more and more with every passing day. Into Your hands I commit my daughter and thank You Father for hearing and answering prayers. In Jesus' name I pray,


Student’s Scholarship Prayer

Dear God, you know that I have applied for a scholarship so that I can complete my studies and I ask Lord that I may find favour in the eyes of the panel who makes the decision on awarded offered this scholarship, knowing that it seems to be the only way that that I will be in a position to finish my schooling.

Lord, I think that there are different levels of scholarship awards and I am praying that I may be granted the full scholarship, not only the tuition fees but the accommodation and other hidden expenses that inevitably come in a study program.

Lord God, I know that I am asking for a miracle but I also know that you are a God of miracles. You are a God of the impossible, and I give this request to You and pray that I would find grace and favour in the eyes of the selection committee. Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayer and I offer my life to You Lord, to Your praise and glory. In the name of Jesus,


Thank You For My Scholarship

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You with all my heart that You have heard and answered my request for a scholarship, so that I may continue my studies, for which I praise and thank You. Lord, it is such a thrill to know that I have been awarded this scholarship and I pray that I will work conscientiously and hard for the duration of the course, and emerge having done my best.

Lord, I really do just want to thank You with all my heart. I know that there are many times that I have not shown the gratitude and thanks that You deserve, for all good things come from You, and I remember that only one of the ten lepers returned to say, ‘thank you’, and I don’t want to be numbered in the camp of those that are ungrateful.

Help me prepare myself for this new course of study and help me I pray, with all the preliminary preparations that I need to make before I go, as well as tying up any loose ends so that I do not dishonour You in any way, Thank You again Lord, and I pray that You will be with me every moment of this course of study and that in all things I may be a good and faithful witness to Your goodness and grace. In Jesus' name I pray,



Prayed for 59 time. I Prayed For This
God, I know that I have not been the best servant, but you continue to pardon my sins. I ask you my Father to enlighten me and make me courageous on the day of my interview. Help the evaluators see the potential in your child. Most importantly I pray that you will always be with me. Help me become the person I dream of being so that I may tell the world of you. Thank you for everything you have done for me at this point in my life. I am grateful to be alive and healthy and able to praise your name. Thank you God almighty, the King of Kings, my everything! Amen.
Received: August 10, 2015

Scholarship opportunity

Prayed for 54 time. I Prayed For This
I have applied for a scholarship to study at a university in Mauritius this year. Over 2000 students have applied but only 100 students will be selected. Two weeks from today, the results of the successful applicants will be published. I want you to pray for me so that i find grace and favour in the sight of God and the scholarship selection panel.
Dennis Edem Kofi Degbor
Received: February 28, 2015

Asking god for scholarship

Prayed for 53 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, hear i am your beloved son, the one Jesus Christ came and died for his problem to be solved i'm in need of sponsorship lord. I'm a student doing my first year in wits university south Africa. I'm desperate need of a sponsorship or scholarship to study for these current year i managed to register myself in these institution and did applied for a scholarship before but I was rejected due to the sponsor having less funds and now im helpless. I'm going to risk applying for another sponsor which is already closed, therefore, my lord i invite your intervention in my application, for the bible says what is impossible with man with God is possible. You promised me that in john i shall never leave you nor forsake you because You knew me before i WA born. Lord i pray with faith that you will provide for my needs. I need accommodation, tuition fees and a stipend for other expenses like buying books and food. Thank you father for hearing my prayers amen
Received: February 26, 2015

Scholarship and securing good rank in exam

Prayed for 13 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord please help my son. That he should secure first mark in his exam and do well in future and be good to all and his exam papers should be easy ...pls help my son
in his exam
Received: February 7, 2015

My Prayer

Prayed for 21 time. I Prayed For This

Lord Jesus please hear me, I know we'll pass our applied auditing subject and be able to get scholarship. Lord, help also those who suffer from fears and hardships due to different calamities. Lord, we witness your miracle today. I know you will grant my prayers. I put all my faith into you. Help me strengthen my faith and overcome my fear and weakness. I love you. In Jesus name, AMEN.

Jonalie T. Cavestany
Received: October 17, 2013